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Feeding Frustrations II

How to feed Picky eaters

Babies and young children can develop an aversion to feeding if they feel pressured to eat. Pressure make the feeding experience either unpleasant or stressful. When repeated, the baby no longer wants to eat.
What to do
Remove all pressure.
Reasons for finicky or picky eating
1. Food selection
From an early age, children learn what they like and what they don't. If they have a choice, they will eat their favorite foods (usually something sweet). However, children do not know what is good for them and they have no idea about a balanced nutritious diet. It is possible to serve too much food, even if it is nutritious. Various nutritious foods provide a more balanced diet.
What to do
Because infants and toddlers eat so little, make sure everything your baby has to offer is nutritious.
Try to balance your child's diet by reducing the excesses associated with a particular meal.
Offer treats sparingly.
2. Food allergies or intolerances
A child can become suspicious of food if he is allergic to it. However, he is unlikely to get angry if he hasn't had any unpleasant reactions to food in the past. If a child has a food allergy, she will usually develop symptoms such as diarrhea, rash, asthma, or hay fever shortly after eating annoying food.
What to do
Always introduce a new meal so that you can identify exactly which meal is responding to it.
When introducing a new meal, wait 3 days before adding another new meal (some symptoms may not appear for several days).
3. Too many options
Children often feel overwhelmed by too many food choices.

What to do ?
Avoid buffets at meal times when your child has many options.
Let her decide between the other 2 nutritional choices (sometimes it's only fine after nutritious meals). If she doesn't decide, decide for her.
4. Transportation
Put yourself in your child's shoes. How much attention should be paid to food?

Do you provide a "show on the floor" when you try to get her to eat, or do you watch her, often offer her food, or put food in her mouth? Do you reward her if she eats? Unfortunately, with the best of intentions, parents may unknowingly exacerbate their child's behavioral eating problem.
What to do
If your baby doesn't want to eat, don't push him.
Wait for another meal or snack so you can offer some food again.
Don't offer rewards for eating.
REMEMBER that a healthy child will not go hungry as long as food is served regularly. First, he may refuse to eat the food presented to her, either because he is not hungry or because he is waiting for his "favorite" him to arrive.
Why children fall apart
Healthy, successful children give up (and sometimes vomit) for food while learning how to eat. It is normal! Gossip is repeated for children to avoid suffocation as they learn to chew and handle lump food.

When food with a more lumpy consistency is introduced, the child may spit out or vomit. That doesn't mean she's not ready, it means she needs more practice. It is important to continue to offer lumpy foods. Behavior is weaker for you than for your child.
What to do

Try not to overreact (your child may be afraid of your reaction).
Wait for your baby to recover and try again.
Always take care of your baby when he eats.
Vomiting with food
If the baby is fine and fine, throwing up or spitting up while he eats is rarely due to a physical problem.
1. Evolutionary
Sometimes vomiting causes vomiting. All this is part of the educational experience.
2. Behavioral
When a parent is worried about what the child is eating, it is not uncommon to start pushing the child into food. Sometimes a meal can take more than an hour or more while a child is busy, bribed, or even at risk of eating. When a child has to eat, he may vomit because he has enough. After a while, she may learn to throw intentionally when her parents do not notice other signs that she has been given enough.

3. Food allergy or intolerance
Vomiting can be a sign of a food allergy or intolerance. However, if he is sensitive enough to vomit due to food allergies or intolerances, he usually has other symptoms, including rashes, asthma or hay fever symptoms, and diarrhea.
4. Physical problem / illness
If your baby is sick, does not drink or does not gain enough weight, consult your doctor.

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