Post partum assistance
Consider asking for help during this time, which can be very hectic and intense. Talk to experts in your area when you visit the hospital. Many hospitals have feeding specialists or lactation consultants to help you start breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Nurses are also a great resource to show you how you can hold, hold, repackage and care for your baby.
With home help, you may want to hire a neighborhood nurse, midwife or teenager to help you right after you give birth. Your doctor or hospital can help you find out about home care and may refer you to home care agencies.
Relatives and friends often want to help. Even if you disagree on some things, do not distort their experience. However, if you don't feel like a guest or have other concerns, you don't feel guilty about restricting visitors.
Neonatal Handling
If you have not spent much time around children, their weakness can be frightening. Here are some basic things to keep in mind:
Wash your hands (or use hand hygiene) before handling the baby. Newborns do not yet have strong immune systems, so they are at risk of infection. Make sure everyone who handles your baby has clean hands.
Support your baby's head and neck. When carrying a baby, support the head and support the head when the baby is carried upright or when lying down.
Never shake, play or disturb children. Anxiety can cause bleeding into the brain and even death. If you need to wake your child, don't shake him, instead he will tickle your legs or gently blow your cheek
Make sure your child is securely attached to a carrier, stroller or car seat. Limit any activity that may be too polluting or too dynamic.
Remember that your newborn is not ready for a challenging game, such as swaying on your knees or blowing.
Bonding and domestication
Bonding, arguably one of the most enjoyable parts of childcare, occurs during the sensitive period in the first few hours and days after birth, when parents and children form a deep bond. Physical relationships can support emotional connections.
In children, attachment contributes to their emotional growth, which also interferes with their development in areas other than physical growth. Another way to imagine a bond is to "fall in love" with your child. Children become a parent or other adult who loves them unconditionally in their lives.
Start by placing the baby on its crib and gently stroke it in different patterns. You and your partner can also take the opportunity to be "skin to skin" and keep the baby on the same skin as you while breastfeeding or cribbing.
Infants, especially premature babies and infants with health problems, may respond to infant massage. Some types of massages can enhance bonding and help the baby grow and develop. Many books and videos deal with infant massage - seek the advice of your doctor. However, make sure that the children are not as strong as adults, so massage the baby gently.
Babies usually love vocal sounds such as talking, babbling, singing and whistling. Your baby will probably love listening to music too. Rattles and cellphones with music are other good ways to encourage your child to listen. If your child is nervous, he may try singing, reciting poems and nursery rhymes or reading aloud and gently turning the child on a stool.
Some babies can be very sensitive to touch, light or sound and can easily get scared and cry, sleep less than expected, or turn their faces when talking or singing. If this is the case with your baby, keep the noise and light levels low to medium.
Wrapping is another mitigating technique that works well for some babies during the first few weeks and that parents should learn first. Proper wrapping keeps the baby's hands close to the body and allows for some leg movement. The lining not only keeps the baby warm, but most babies seem to feel safe and comfortable. Guilt can also reduce repeated breathing, which can cause a baby to wake up.
Here's how to wrap a baby: Open the receiving blanket in a slightly folded corner.
Place the child's face up on a blanket with a header over the folded corner.
Turn the left corner of the body and slide it under the baby's back under the right hand.
Raise the lower corner over the child's feet and pull it towards the head and fold the fabric as it approaches the face. Be careful not to control your hips too much. The hips and knees should be bent slightly and turned. If the baby is bent too tight, the risk of hip dysplasia may increase.
Wrap the right corner around the baby and put it back on the left side, leaving only the neck and head exposed. To make sure your baby isn't wrapped too tightly, make sure you can put your hand between the blanket and baby's chest so you can breathe comfortably. However, make sure the blanket isn't as wide as it could be.
Babies shouldn't return after 2 months of age. At this age, some babies may recover upon their return, increasing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Everything under the diaper
You will probably decide to use a disposable cloth or cloth before bringing your baby home. Whatever you use, your diapers will soil your diapers about 10 times a day or about 70 times a week.